We're now BWF Code of Conduct assured

We’re now BWF Code of Conduct assured

If you’ve visted our main site homepage recently, you may well have seen a new logo at the top of the page and you may be wondering what the logo that says ‘BWF approved’ actually means. Who or what is the BWF? This blog post will tell you who the BWF are, what they do and what it means for us and our customers.

BWF stands for the British Woodworking Federation and we are pleased to announce that we have recently become members.

The BWF are on organisation that do not ‘give’ membership lightly; every company that is a member is subject to a rigorous vetting process first. This means that any member is interviewed, rigorously inspected and references are checked out thoroughly. Therefore, to become a member is quite an achievement and we are very pleased to have been accepted into this highly regarded and reputable organisation. It means that we meet their high standards and our work and practices are of a high standard; you can guarantee that our work is of the highest quality and that we do everything that we say we do!

Everything is manufactured by time served joiners
As I’ve mentioned, the membership acceptance process is rigorous. To get to the stage of becoming a member, we’ve first had to have a brief telephone interview, which was followed by a workshop visit. This workshop visit included another interview and also inspection of our workshops where several photographs were taken by the BWF official. The purpose of the workshop visit being to elimate any joinery workshops which are not up to standard, i.e. unsafe working practices, their joinery knowledge and expertise is found lacking etc…

Once the interview was over we were then tasked with giving the BWF official names, addresses and telephone numbers of previous customers (both trade and public) with a view to the BWF gaining references on our work from them. All customers were contacted prior to any contact details being handed over (we’re very careful with all our customers details and never normally share and information with any third parties!) and all were happy for us to use them as references (thank you all!).

Reassurance for our customers

What difference does that make to our customers you’re probably thinking?! Well quite a lot; for starters, it means that we’ve had to undergo a fairly rigorous inspection/vetting procedure to prove that we are what we say we are and that we can do everything we say we can do! Not all joinery businesses can claim this; this should give our customers reassurance that we are not ‘cowboys’.

Being BWF members gives great reassurance to our customers in the following areas:

  • Customer care and response to complaints,
  • Technical expertise and training,
  • Environmental impact and waste management,
  • Sustainability: members must use their best endeavours to meet best practice and source from sustainable sources,
  • Financial status and stability,

The above text in italics is an excerpt from the BWF’s code of conduct eight part assessment which can be found at BWF Code of Conduct.

All of these areas were scrutinised during the inspection process and all these areas were found to be exceptional with Inwood (Cymru) Ltd. As you can see, this should give customers great confidence when they order from us!

If you’d like to find out more about the BWF and its practices, please go to their website: British Woodworking Federation. As you can see, we are immensely proud to be a part of this organisation and we hope that our membership with the BWF will give you assurance to purchase any wooden gates or garage doors, or any other bespoke product you may require, from us.

For quality workmanship by time-served Joiners

2 thoughts on “We're now BWF Code of Conduct assured

  1. Paul Bown says:

    Please can you advise us how we can complain about a BWF member. Bad performance and products sent to site and not changed or refunded.

    1. Jon Culshaw says:

      Sorry to hear that. Your best bet is to get in touch with the BWF themselves, their contact info is at http://www.bwf.org.uk/page/contact-us

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