Go green, use wood!

Go green, use wood!

Did you know that by using timber from well managed, sustainable forests, instead of other materials, you could be helping to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere?


We all know trees help climate change by absorbing and storing CO2 from the atmosphere, but did you know that they continue to store the CO2 even after they have been used in a item of joinery?

In fact the longer they stay in use as say a window or a door (or even paper!) then the longer they hold onto the CO2 they have absorbed as trees. At the end of its life span, the timber can either be recycled or used as a bio-fuel.

In comparison with other building materials, converting trees into usable timber requires lesser energy and produces very few harmful waste products. There is also very little waste in the manufacturing processes of timber, as almost all by-products are used as either a raw material or as a source of energy.

Further reading –

Tackle climate change: Use wood

For quality workmanship by time-served Joiners

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