Timber Durability

Wood Durability Guide: Timber Durability Chart & Database

We make wooden garage doors and wooden gates that are built to last – we care about the wood that we use and we choose it carefully.

We want our gates and garage doors to last as long as possible, so we use timber like Accoya because of its durability, hardness and suitability for our products.

We’ve put together some resources about Timber Durability to help you choose the best timber for your gate or garage door, or whatever you’re looking to make.

The Timber Durability chart contains 5 classes of timber, with each class determining how long each timber listed will last – these are all to BS EN 350-2:1994 – Durability of wood and wood-based products. Natural durability of solid wood. Guide to natural durability and treatability of selected wood species of importance in Europe.

The Timber Durability Database is a table of durability grades/ratings by wood type, with images to match.

We created some useful graphics that show these details – they’re good for quickly referencing each timber, or you can print them off and keep them in your workshop!

Timber Durability Chart

We’ve displayed a number of common (and rare) Hardwoods, Softwoods and Modified Timbers – 149 in total – in an easy to read Timber Durability Chart.

Click on the image below to see the chart.

Use this image on your website – copy the code:

  <br /><br /><img src=”https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk/images/2000-timber-durability-chart.jpg” alt=”Timber Durability Chart”></p><br /><p>Timber Durability Chart by <a href=”https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk”>Gate Expectations by Inwood</a></p><br /><p>  

What Affects The Natural Durability Of Timber?

There are a number of things that affect how naturally durable a timber is; wildlife and fungi play a part.

Click below to find out.

Use this image on your website – copy the code:

  <br /><br /><img src=”https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk/images/2000-timber-durability-chart.jpg” alt=”Timber Durability Chart”></p><br /><p>Timber Durability Chart by <a href=”https://www.woodworkersuk.co.uk”>Gate Expectations by Inwood</a></p><br /><p>  

We also have a large version of the Timber Durability Chart (7.7mb, 5000×3000 pixels, or 132cm x 79cm) that can be found here.


Timber Durability Database

Different types of wood species are displayed by durability rating below.
Select a Durability Class or search for the Timber you use!

TimberDurability ClassHardwood, Softwood or Modified TimberImage
Abura5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Accoya (Modified Radiata Pine)1Modified TimberAccoya-Softwood
Accoya Alder (Modified Alder)1Modified TimberAccoya-Alder
African Mahogany (a.k.a. Khaya)3HardwoodAfrican-Mahogany
African Walnut (Congowood)4HardwoodWalnut_African
American Ash (a.k.a. Black Ash, White Ash, Canadian Ash, Red Ash)5HardwoodAmerican-Ash
American Birch5HardwoodBirch_American
American Cherry (a.k.a. Black Cherry)3HardwoodAmerican-Cherry
American Mahogany2HardwoodAmerican-Mahogany
American Red Oak4HardwoodAmerican-Red-Oak
American Walnut (Black Walnut)3HardwoodWalnut_American
American White Oak3HardwoodAmerican-White-Oak
Andira2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Angelim2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Balau (a.k.a. Red Balau, Yellow Balau)2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Images
Basswood (a.k.a. Limewood)5HardwoodLimewood
Cambara3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Canadian Red Pine (a.k.a. Norway Pine)4SoftwoodCanadian-Red-Pine
Canadian Spruce (a.k.a. White Spruce)5SoftwoodCanadian-Spruce
Caribbean Pitch Pine (a.k.a. Pitch Pine)3SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Cedar (a.k.a. Cedar of Lebanon)2SoftwoodCedar_Of_Lebanon
Central / South American Cedar (a.k.a. Cedro Rosa)2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Corsican Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Cumaru1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Curupay1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Dahoma3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Danta3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Dark Red Meranti (a.k.a. Red Lauan)4HardwoodMeranti
Denya1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Douglas Fir (a.k.a. Columbian Pine, Oregon Pine)*4SoftwoodDouglas-Fir
Douglas Fir*3SoftwoodDouglas-Fir
Ekki2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Elliotis Pine (Slash Pine)4SoftwoodElliotis-Pine-Slash-Pine
European Ash5HardwoodAsh
European Beech5HardwoodBeech
European Birch (a.k.a. Silver Birch, White Birch)5HardwoodEuropean-Birch-Silver-Birch-White-Birch
European Cherry3HardwoodCherry_European
European Elm (a.k.a. English Elm)4HardwoodElm_English
European Larch*4SoftwoodEuropean-Larch
European Larch*3SoftwoodEuropean-Larch
European Lime5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
European Oak (inc English Oak, French Oak, Polish Oak, Slovenian Oak)2HardwoodOak_English
European Plane5HardwoodPlane_European
European Redwood4SoftwoodEuropean-Redwood
European Walnut3HardwoodWalnut_European
European Whitewood (a.k.a. Silver Fir, Norway Spruce)4SoftwoodEuropean-Whitewood
Garapa3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Garapa2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Gedu Nohor3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Geronggang5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Gombe3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Guariuba3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Hickory4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Horse Chestnut5HardwoodChestnut_Horse
Itauba1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Jack Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Japanese Larch4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Japanese Oak3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Jarrah1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Jelutong4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Kapur2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Karri2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Kebony*1Modified TimberKebony-Syp
Kempas2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Keruing3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Light Red Meranti (a.k.a. Red Meranti, White Lauan)4HardwoodLight-Red-Meranti
Light Virola5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Lignum Vitae (a.k.a. Ironwood)1HardwoodLignum-Vitae
Limba4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Lodgepole Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Louro3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Mandio3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Martime Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Mengkulang4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Moabi2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Mora1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Nyatoh (a.k.a. Padang)4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Padauk (a.k.a. Barwood, Camwood)1HardwoodPaduak
Parana Pine (a.k.a. Brazilian Pine, Radiata Pine (Monterey Pine)5SoftwoodParana-Pine
Patula Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Pau Amarelo1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Piqua2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Ponderosa Pine (a.k.a. White Pine)4SoftwoodWhite-Pine
Red Alder (a.k.a. Western Alder)5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Red Angelim1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Red Grandis (a.k.a. Rose Gum, Flooded Gum)3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Red Louro2HardwoodRed-Louro
Robinia (a.k.a. Black Locust, Falsa Acacia)2HardwoodRobinia
Rock Maple (a.k.a. Hard Maple, Black Maple)4HardwoodHard_Maple
Rubberwood5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Scots Pine (a.k.a. Red Pine)4SoftwoodScots-Pine
Sepetir2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Sesendok5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Siberian Larch (a.k.a. Russian Larch)*4SoftwoodSiberian-Larch
Siberian Larch*3SoftwoodSiberian-Larch
Simarouba5HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Sitka Spruce (a.k.a. Silver Spruce)5SoftwoodSitka-Spruce
Soft Maple (Red Maple, Silver Maple)4HardwoodSoft-Maple
Southern Pine4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Sucupira2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Sweet Chestnut2HardwoodChestnut_Sweet
Sycamore (a.k.a. Great Maple)5HardwoodSycamore
Tasmanian Oak (a.k.a. Australian Oak, Alpine Ash)3HardwoodTasmanian-Oak
Tatajuba2HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Taun (a.k.a. Malagai)3HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Thermowood Radiata Pine (Modified Radiata Pine - Softwood)2Modified TimberThermowood-Radiata-Pine
Thermowood Redwood (Modified European Redwood – Usually from Finland - Softwood)2Modified TimberThermowood-Redwood
Tulipwood (a.k.a. Canarywood, American Yellow Poplar)4HardwoodTulipwood
Wallaba1HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Western Hemlock4SoftwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Western Red Cedar*3SoftwoodWestern-Red-Cedar
Western Red Cedar (a.k.a. Red Cedar)*2Softwood
White Elm (a.k.a. Red Elm)4HardwoodAwaiting Timber Durability Image
Yellow Meranti4HardwoodMeranti
Yellow Pine4SoftwoodYellow-Pine

*Douglas Fir is listed as both a Class 2 and Class 3 timber, UK grown Douglas Fir is Class 4
*European Larch also listed as both Class 2 and Class 3 timber, UK grown European Larch is Class 4
*Siberian Larch is in both Class 2 and 3, Siberian grown Larch being Class 3
*UK grown Western Red Cedar is in both Classes 3 & 2. Class 3 Western Red Cedar is UK grown, Class 2 from America and Canada
*Massaranduba is listed as both Class 1 & 2 as durability can vary
*Kebony is listed as both Class 1 & 2 as durability can vary

Use the Timber Durability Database on your website – copy the code:

  </p><br /><div><br />		<iframe width=”500″ height=”10300″ scrolling=”yes” frameborder=”no” allowattribution=”yes” src=”https://www.google.com/fusiontables/embedviz?viz=GVIZ&t=TABLE&q=select+col0%2C+col1%2C+col2%2C+col3+from+1G8qP35-8UG4Fb578bEviH6VxmgxJ3XXTDCDBZ9qi&containerId=googft-gviz-canvas”></iframe></p><br /><p><a href=”/timber-durability” target=”_blank”>Timber Durability Database</a> by <a href=”/” target=”_blank”>Gates Expectations by Inwood</a>, licensed under <a href=”https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/” target=”_blank”>Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs</a>.</p><br /></div><br /><p>  

Image Credits:

Images are via these organisations and helpful people:

Wikimedia CommonsFlickrImgur
Kebony SYP
SBT Design
Jon Linney

If you can see a picture of the tree from our logo instead of the timber, we’re still looking for an image for this timber! If you have a picture you’d like us to use then we’ll credit you – send an email!

6 thoughts on “Timber Durability

  1. Gary Carter says:

    Hi, Just wondering if you could answer a little question from you experience working with wood… what is the “European Whitewood (a.k.a. Silver Fir, Norway Spruce)” like for use on skirtings and architrave. Is this something you know or have any experience on?

    Best Regards,

    Gary Carter

    1. Jon Culshaw says:


      It’s fairly easy to work with and a bit more of a cheaper timber than European Redwood, it’s really only used where it cannot be seen so I wouldn’t really recommend it for arcs and skirting boards.
      Not really used it since my college days, as due to its price it was the timber of choice for my college. Our Joinery Lecturer used to refer to it as ‘white sh**e’!

  2. Gill Arnold says:

    Can you please suggest which would be the best wood to make gates Accoya or Iroko

    1. Jon C says:

      From a durability perspective then Accoya, as it outlasts every other commercially used timber.

  3. Bob says:

    Hi im looking for the answer to a question by someone not trying to sell me somthing.Lol
    im going to clad a house 370msq im thinking I will get good value out of thermowood
    how can i be sure that it had been modified and that im not buing standard red wood
    as there looks to be a big durabilty diffrence?

    is there a better option i dont think i can afford that amount of accoya

    1. Jon C says:

      I doubt any reputable timber merchant or cladding supplier would risk selling you non thermowood timber and try and claim it was thermowood.

      If you were to have some thermally modified timber and want a quick check then compare it with some non modified timber of the same species. The thermally modified timber will be noticably darker in colour and also due to a reduced moisture content it will also be quite lightweight!

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