HSE Fee for intervention – are you ready?

HSE Fee for intervention – are you ready?

Are you ready for the HSE Fee for Intervention?

On the 1st October 2012, the HSE will introduce their Fee for Invention. This basically means that from 1st October 2012, if your company is found in ‘material breach’ by a HSE Inspector, then you have contravened the Health and Safety law and the person responsible will be notified in writing.

The Fee for Intervention is the HSE’s way of clawing back the costs involved in correcting matters from the businesses and organisations involved in the Health and Safety breach. Currently, the cost for 2012-2013 for the Fee for Invention stands at £124 an hour, so if you’re not ready and your place of work could be improved saftey-wise then you had better get on with it!

I’m not too sure about other businesses throughout the country, but in Denbighshire, where we’re based, the HSE Inspectors have been busy out and about inspecting businesses and making them aware of the change in law. We’ve recently had a visit ourselves and had a very informative chat with the HSE Inspector, who had a check around our joinery workshops and was happy with what he saw.

Teds ready for the HSE Fee for Intervention are you?

Ted sporting the very latest in fashionable yet practical workwear!


At present, the cost of correcting any breaches in Health and Safety law is paid for by the public purse; with any luck, the new HSE Fee for Intervention, which was originally due to come in in April of this year, but was put on hold, should make some of the more dodgy cowboy companies clean up their act!

For more informtaion on the new HSE Fee for Intervention, please vist the HSE’s website.

For quality workmanship by time-served Joiners

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